Veröffentlichung im Sinne der Transparenzbestimmungen/Pubblicazione ai fini della trasparenza 2021: Amt für Innovation und Technologie/Ufficio Innovazione e tecnologia: 217.000€ – Amt für Kultur/Ufficio cultura: 63.000€ – Marktgemeinde Schlanders/Comune di Silandro: 100.000€ – Gemeinde Mals: 6.000€


Lecture, Workshop, Discussion & Community Rund um das Thema nachhaltige Nachtkultur

Start: 01/01/2024
End: 31-12-24
Lead partner: FUSE Bruxelles, Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs Riga, VibeLab Amsterdam e Transversal Project proveniente from Malmö





NightSchool at BASIS on Saturday, 08.06.2024 at BASIS KASINO with free entry

A whole day for the future of nightlife culture: lectures, workshops, exchanges, and community for the sustainable development of South Tyrolean nightlife creators.


Since the beginning of the year, the BASIS team has been working with five international players in the nightlife culture to make it more sustainable in the long term. The NightSchool training program is taking place for the first time in 2024. In addition to South Tyrol with BASIS Vinschgau Venosta for Italy, renowned clubs like FUSE Brussels and Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs Riga, as well as project initiator VibeLab from Amsterdam and Transversal Project from Malmö, are part of the project. After the Open Call for participants in the training program in March, with over 200 applications, the educational trip for the 15 participants took place from June 3 to 8.

On June 8, 2024, BASIS Vinschgau Venosta brought what is usually felt practically in the numerous clubbings at the KASINO into a theoretical framework: a day of education for a vibrant and sustainably organized nightlife culture. At the free event on the topic of sustainability of the NightSchool project, the local scene was able to exchange ideas with lectures, workshops, and a group discussion with international experts and NightSchool participants. Together, they will work on the further development of the South Tyrolean cultural landscape and build an international network.

The day started with an introduction to green club and nightlife culture by clubliebe e.V, the leading experts on this topic and authors of the Greener Club Guide, with some practical examples, simple recommendations for action, and a Q&A session. In the afternoon, a workshop led by Ella Overkleeft, founder of Rural Radicals, helped to integrate what was learned into their own projects or ideas and plan concrete next steps for implementation. The program was rounded off by a group discussion, in which representatives of the local cultural scene and the participants and initiators of NightSchool discussed what is needed for a sustainable nightlife culture, what its future might look like, and what demands need to be made.

At the heart of the NightSchool project is the recognition that ecological sustainability in nightlife is based on grassroots initiatives and adaptability. A community-oriented, practical approach is to be promoted: How can sustainability be seamlessly integrated into the structure of club culture? How can it be ensured that flexibility is enabled to take into account different local contexts?

In the evening, there was the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with other nightlife creators from across the EU over pizza and drinks.

In addition to the speakers, some NightSchool team members were also on-site:

  • Mirik Milan, founder of VibeLab and former Night Mayor of Amsterdam
  • Stathis Kalatzis, Communication Strategist for VibeLab and Event Producer-
  • Amir Salem, Project Manager for VibeLab and expert in low-threshold and inclusive nightlife culture
  • Kaspars Kondratjuks, Managing Director of Kaņepes Kultūras Centrs in Riga
  • Hannes Götsch, Managing Director and founder of BASIS
    NightSchool, funded by the EU, is a pioneering project for an emerging, creative Europe that promotes a vibrant nightlife. The combined efforts of five leading nightlife culture initiatives create an enriching training program, promote knowledge exchange, and provide online resources aimed at fostering sustainability within nightlife culture.

Further information at